Tuesday, July 13, 2010

New news......

So, my blog is in quite the need of an update! Wedding plans have been going well. Cassie and I have been working on the invitations and have about half of them done and mailed. I have to wait on some addresses from Brian's mom to finish the rest. I've been doing some shopping online for things like our guestbook, ring bearer pillow, flower girl basket, etc. I'm starting to get really nervous that I'm forgetting some things and won't remember them until the day of when it's too late!

Brian and I have some pretty exciting news. We found out about a month ago that we're expecting. We're about 9 weeks now. I haven't been to the doctor yet because I've been waiting to hear from Title 19 about insurance, as I have none. I finally got a confirmation letter a couple days ago, so I'm working on setting up an appointment. This was totally unexpected and was not planned, but we're still okay with it. We were planning to wait until after we were married to try, and honestly there was only one time that we weren't "100% safe" and low and behold......whoops. We're excited though, and all of his family finally knows. My family is super excited for us. His, not so much. His grandparents are pretty disappointed in us for getting pregnant before we're married, but I'm sure they'll get over it after we're married. His grandpa is more disappointed than his grandma I think. His aunt is upset because she and her husband have been trying to conceive for apparently a few months now, but we had no idea. They've had no luck. I do feel really bad and wish them luck. Finally, his uncle and his wife were excited for us. I almost expected a lecture from him, but they really didn't seem to have a problem with it.

For the most part, I've gotten used to the whole "no drinking" thing, but sometimes it's hard. When some of my friends want to go out or throw a party, I almost feel left out. I can go, but I just can't drink. You'd think that wouldn't be such a big deal, but do you know how annoying drunk people are when you're the only sober one? Haha, after a couple weeks, I started avoiding going out with friends when they were drinking. I'm also still working on convincing Brian that he should stop drinking with me. I feel like we should be together in this, because I'm always feeling left out.

So, since I found out that I was pregnant about a month ago, I was really starting to get sick of my job. I can't be hands-on with the kids anymore during escalations, and I feel useless when they get mad. Some of the kids still try to get aggressive with me and threaten to "kill my baby" when they get angry. I got to the point where I was fed up, so I put in my 2 weeks almost 2 weeks ago, and my last day is this coming Thursday. Technically, I'm only going PRN, so I can still pick up shifts when I want to. I haven't found a new job yet, so I'm a little nervous about not working and not having an income, but I'm working on finding something. If I don't, I can always just continue to pick up as many shifts at possible until something comes along, although I've heard it's VERY hard to get a new job when you're expecting. Bleh. I'd really love to find something in which I can make money from home, but I know there are a lot of scams out there, so I don't know how good my chances are for that. I would love to be able to stay home with my son or daughter after they are born.

Being in this apartment when our baby is born is not going to be much fun. We're still going to be living with Megan, which isn't a huge deal, but I'm sure she's not going to be a huge fan of a crying baby at night. She'll probably stay at Mike's a lot. Haha. Our spare bedroom is too full of junk to turn into a nursery, so we're going to have to have the baby in our room for the time that we're in this apartment. At least our son or daughter will only be 6 months when we move out and hopefully find a house. I'm disappointed that I don't get to experience decorating a nursery until after the baby's born. Lol.

Oh! Brian got a new car. It's pretty sweet. I'm jealous. Haha. He got a 2004 Volkswagen Jetta. I'll see if I can find a picture on here.....

Pretty cute, huh? He's gonna be workin his ass off to pay for it though. He can no longer afford to go out with friends and such, which is okay on my part. Lol.

Anyways, I think I'm gonna end this and get some stuff done. If I forgot somethin, I'll throw it in later. Ttyl!