Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Apparently I'm not so good at this blog thing...

So, it's been a year and a half since I last wrote. Haha. A lot has happened since then I suppose...and I guess a lot has not happened too.

Brian and I are NOT engaged yet, and we're NOT getting married in about 6 months like I predicted back then. Haha. He tells me we will be engaged by August though. So that's something to look forward to.

Anyways, I'm one final away from finishing my last semester at Iowa State (other than the one class and the internship I'm taking this summer). I'll be graduating in August, and I can't wait! I don't even care if I don't find a decent job right away. I'm just excited to not have to go to classes anymore. I'm not walking for graduation either. I decided against it, because I don't want to buy the cap and gown just for one day. I'd rather just get my diploma and be done.

This summer, I'm also going to be supporting myself on student loans. Yippee....My internship is unpaid so I can't decide if I want to try to get a part-time job and work around the internship, or just enjoy my summer and be poor. I'm leaning more towards the second option.

My sister has had a baby since I last wrote! He's the MOST adorable little guy ever. His name is Aden. Of course I'm going to have to include a few pictures to prove it.
And now he's almost 10 months old!Jamie (my sister) is also pregnant with her second child. I hope she has a girl this time.

My sister and brother and I got pictures done this past weekend for my mom for mother's day. Everyone's changing so much. That's me, Brian, Jamie's boyfriend Ethan, Jamie, my brother Brent, and Aden.

I'm really supposed to be studying for my last final that's in the morning, but I can't help but want to do anything but that.

Sammy's becoming more and more of a lovable, cuddly baby! Check this out!Thanks Brian....haha.

Brian and I are moving twice this summer. This Saturday we're moving in with Kirby because our rent will be about $200 a month cheaper, and who doesn't like cheap rent? Then in August, we're moving again, into our nice 3 bedroom apt with Megan. I can't wait for that day. It's so nice!

Well, I think I'm out of things to update on for now, so I'm just going to start on my studying...maybe.

1 comment:

  1. I'm officially following your blog now. :-) I read all of your 4 blogs...and we just got done watching Jeff Dunham earlier today! Isn't that pic of Aden & Jamie cute! I just want to say "awww" when I see it. :-D
