Monday, March 22, 2010

Bored at work...there will probably be a lot of these...

So it's only been like a week and a half since I last wrote! Haha. Mom came and helped us clean our apartment that weekend and it was practically spotless when she left! I've been trying very hard to make sure everyone is cleaning up their own messes so it doesn't get that way again.

This last week I've been very stressed. First, I didn't get the wells fargo job I applied for, and I was really hoping for something new. I worked like 60 hours last week for spring break, and then to top it off, I found out Weston was STILL in the hospital (he'd been there for about 4 days already) with his RSV and it wasn't getting better, so I called into work and took some time to go see him. It was so sad to walk in and see him with wires attatched to him everywhere:( Found out this morning that he was going to go home this evening tho, so that made me very happy!

I also went bridesmaid dress shopping with Deb and Sarah. Jenn already has her dress and Cassie knows what she wants, but I don't think she's ordered it yet. Deb ordered hers this past weekend and Sarah kinda just looked to see what she might like after the baby's born. Now I just have to get my sister's dress and get on Brian about his crew's suits!

Hm....7 minutes left until my shift is over and I can go home and relax with the soon-to-be hubby and roommates. I need to get some more wedding planning done. I need to set up a wedding planning day with Cassie soon to knock out a bunch of stuff (since she's my maid of honor and all)!

I don't have to work tomorrow unless I get called in sometime before 7 am.

Oh, shift is over, gotta go!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I need to remember to stop by the dress shop after work on Thurs & try to get that dress ordered!!! I forgot last Thursday! Good to hear that Weston is back home now! :-) And we def. need to have a wedding planning day...I have Friday off this week, but I don't know if that helps at all. Next week I have Mon & Wed. off.
